Thursday, October 9, 2008


We finally made it to Beirut and checked into our hotel after about an hour of driving around looking for it. Unbeknownst to us, the Ramada Hotel here is brand new. The grand opening was literally today.... so the driver didn't know where it was. He was nice, though, and with a little cooperation, we eventually found it and checked into our well-appointed hotel room.

A "RIDIC-U-MOSQUE" near our hotel in Beirut. This one is breathtaking. It's epic.

Yes indeed. It was delicious.

Just smoking in McDonald's. No big deal.

A view of part of the downtown Beirut seaside.

Sunset on the Mediterranean.

Looking down from our tenth-floor room at the entrance to our hotel. We happened to check in just in time for the grand opening of the Ramada, so there was a swanky party going on down there in celebration of the new hotel. A fireworks display ocurred, and the explosions were right in front of our balcony. There was debris from the fireworks hitting us as we stood there. Pretty cool.

Dom felt the urge to bust some dance moves in our hotel room. In this shot he is shaking his ass vigorously in my direction. I'm supposed to be on vacation right now :(

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